Child Victims with Disabilities


I. Risk Factors

Research indicates that children with disabilities are much more likely to experience abuse than their peers without disabilities (Jones et al., 2012). To learn more about risk-factors, poly-victimization and age appropriate sexual behavior reference the resources below.

  • Poly-victimization Among Children with Disabilities
  • The Risk and Prevention of Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities
  • Age Appropriate Sexual Behavior:

II. About the sub-committee and process

In 2016, the WV Children’s Justice Taskforce identified a need to develop the multidisciplinary response to child abuse for children with disabilities. Over the next two years, the workgroup undertaking this project conducted a state-wide survey, convened a focus-group of multi-disciplinary professionals and collaborated with experts nationally and in WV to better understand what resources were needed to make sure that all children in the Mountain State receive the investigation, prosecution, and resolution of child abuse and neglect they deserve.

III. Directory

  • 14 Behavioral Health Centers
  • Sub-Committee Members: Deborah Bonasso, West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information Services
    Linda Higgs, West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council
    Grace Stewart, West Virginia Child Advocacy Network
    Rebecca Derenge, West Virginia Department of Education
  • Department of Education Report