2023 Handle With Care Conference - September 13-15, 2023 - Click for more info

Concord Graduate Credit Information

Thank you for your interest in graduate credit for this conference.

Three (3) hours of non-degree graduate credit is for the Summer 2021 semester of Concord University for the course: Handle With Care 2.0.

For those interested in graduate credit, you will need to:

  1. Register for the course through Concord University. Download registration form here. The cost of the graduate course is $99, which is separate from the cost of the Handle With Care conference fee.
  2. The platform for the graduate course is Google Classroom. One MUST have or create a Gmail account, which is free, to access Google Classroom.
  3. Login or create a Gmail account, go to this link: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/Mjc1NzUwOTI3MTIz?cjc=dxodpay and enter this Google Classroom code: dxodpay after clicking the + button near right hand corner of the program.
  4. You can view the Syllabus at this link.

Learn about Google Classroom here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxNLaWm74g

For more information, you can contact Selina Vickers at smvickers@wvesc.org or 304.663.3037